You are invited to the Patient Community Open House!

The 2023 PFCC Conference: Accelerating Humanity in Healthcare is just a few weeks away! The Conference Planning team has been busy planning a very robust day highlighting some amazing patient family engagement practices. It's going to be a great day of learning and I hope that you can join us in Los Angeles.

On Monday afternoon PFCCpartners will host an Open House for PFAnetwork members AND people in the surrounding communities who might be interested in becoming a patient family partner. We see this as an opportunity to be more inclusive and increase the diversity of perspectives included in this work. We are imagining an open format with a welcome message and then really hearing from our current PFAnetwork members. I realize travel to Los Angeles is not feasible for everyone so I would like to request you to contribute to this event through another means. You might send us a quick video, an email or photo or drawing or whatever your creativity leads you to send us to share at the event. We want to invite others into our community and we need your help to do that! We want to build on our commitment to inclusion, by ensuring every member of the PFAnetwork has the opportunity to contribute to this important community event.

Join us! In person or in spirit, you belong here!

Libby Hoy
PFCCparters, Founder and CEO




Patient Community Open House, hosted by the PFAnetwork