AHRQ is looking for patient family partners to participate in 5 technical expert panels (TEP) in different areas of clinical preventative services (ie vaccinations and cancer screenings). They are looking at access to care for clinical preventative services and how everyone can have the care they need. These 5 areas are:
• TEP 1: Review and update recommended high priority, patient-centered clinical preventive services for adults age-35 and older.
• TEP 2: Using telehealth and/or other technologies to support patient-centered clinical preventive services.
• TEP 3: Effective and innovative models of delivery of patient-centered prevention.
• TEP 4: Linking primary care and public health to enhance and integrate the delivery of clinical
preventive services.
• TEP 5: Identifying and reducing disparities in the delivery of clinical preventive services.
If you are interested in any of these TEPs, please email Laura at laura@pfccpartners.com for more information and to get connected.