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DEADLINE • Acumen Survey Response

Acumen Survey Response

This opportunity closes on February 25.

The Center for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) along with its contractor (Acumen, LLC) developed episode-based cost measures for consideration in the Merit-based Incentive Payment System.

Acumen published a survey on to ask for feedback on the measures regarding:

• Emergency Room Visits
• Heart failure
• Inpatient treatment of psychoses and related conditions
• Depression
• Low back pain

If you or a loved one has experience with one of the above and the patient is a Medicare beneficiary, please take a few minutes to provide your important insights and to help us make sure the measure is meaningful to patients.

To jump straight to the questions for patients and caregivers:

· Select “I would like to only respond to questions in certain sections” as your response to Question 4 on the first page.

· Select only “Section 2: Questions for the Patient and Caregiver Perspective” as your response to Question 5.

· Respond “Yes” in the question regarding whether you have lived experience with the conditions on question, and then select the conditions you want to provide input on.

The survey will be open from January 10 to February 25, 2022. The survey is flexible. All questions are optional. Please feel free to share the link with other patient family partners who may want to contribute.

Please let me know if you need any support to participate, I am here to help!

Libby Hoy
PFCCpartners, Chief Operating Officer

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