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DEADLINE • Submit Questions to PCORI

DEADLINE • Submit Questions to PCORI

PCORI Science of Engagement Funding Initiative

PCORI is seeking input to inform the potential development of a Science of Engagement funding initiative. Science of Engagement is the systematic study of methods for and outcomes of engagement to inform high quality, patient-centered research. Expanded funding for Science of Engagement could address high-priority knowledge gaps on approaches for effectively engaging diverse stakeholders throughout the research process.

The Science of Engagement Initiative could potentially involve two complementary, interrelated research program approaches: Stand-Alone Research Awards on engagement in research and Studies within a Study for ongoing PCORI CER awards. The intention of these complementary mechanisms would be to help create a strong evidence base of answers to critical research gaps that should be addressed to make engagement more effective and widespread.

PCORI wishes to obtain input on key research topics within Science of Engagement from interested potential applicants, patients, and other stakeholders and organizations who participate in research or engage communities. Further, PCORI seeks feedback regarding the resources and facilitators necessary to successfully support studies that address these research topics.

October 29

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November 10

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